Nobody Died At Sandy Hook Pdf Download
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Amazon Bans “Nobody Died At Sandy Hook” Book-Truth!
Summary of eRumor: has banned a book called “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook: It Was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control” that advances the controversial theory that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was staged.
The Truth:
We’re still looking into reports that Amazon pulled “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook” from the website, but those reports appear to be true.
“Nobody Died at Sandy Hook: It Was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control” is a book written by 12 contributing authors and edited by Jim Fetzer, a well-known conspiracy theorists.
“Nobody Died at Sandy Hook” was released in October 2015 and attempts to prove that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that left 26 people dead, including 20 children, was actually a “staged” FEMA exercise perpetrated by President Obama and former Attorney General Eric Holder to advance gun control measures ahead of a supposed “New World Order.” has previously investigated these Sandy Hook conspiracy theories and found them to be unsupported by evidence and untrue. Click here to read our previous coverage.
Reports that Amazon pulled “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook” from its online bookstore first surfaced in mid-November 2015. Jim Fetzer said in a press release that the book had sold around 500 copies through before the online retailer removed the book on November 19. According to the press release:
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The 425-page book presents 12 chapters exposing the complicity of local and federal authorities, and includes as a 19-page appendix titled “The FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook” (subtitled “Site Activation Call-down Drill Exercise Plan”), which outlines the event as a two-day drill operation.
The FEMA Manual states, “The preparation for Mass Casualty is a drill designed to establish a learning environment for players to exercise emergency response plans, policies, and procedures as they pertain to a mass casualty incident involving children.”
Fetzer says that local conspirators in Newtown, such as the alleged parents of the murdered children, have made out very well financially soliciting contributions from a gullible public and that Newtown has been showered with aid, including $50 million to build a new school. This compares with the $7 million typical construction budget for an elementary school.
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In response to Amazon’s removal of “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook,” Fetzer announced that the was making the book available for free via download.
A quick glance at the terms and conditions for selling products on, it seems likely that the online retailer pulled the book because it deemed it offensive:
Download Nobody Died at Sandy Hook - book pdf free download link or read online here in PDF. Read online Nobody Died at Sandy Hook - book pdf free download link book now. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so don't worry about it. Thirteen experts on Sandy Hook, including six (current or retired) Ph.D. Professors, proved that the school had been closed by 2008 and that there were no students there in Nobody Died at Sandy Hook (2015), which promptly banned. So I released it for free as a pdf: you can download to your own desktop here. Read Nobody At Sandy Hook Died FREE Here - PDF. Read Nobody At Sandy Hook Died FREE Here - PDF. Donate to Support Free And Honest Journalism At Subscribe To RenseRadio! Enormous Online Archives, MP3s, Streaming Audio Files, Highest Quality Live Programs.
Nobody Died At Sandy Hook Pdf Download Free

Listings for items that Amazon deems offensive are prohibited on Amazon reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of listings on its site, and remove any listing at any time.
No One Died At Sandy Hook
We’ve reached out to for comment on why “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook” was removed from the site and future updates will be posted here. 4 Years Old Get “Heartbreak On A Full Moon': Previous Royalty Videos: Chris Brown - Geronimo (Royalty Music Video) - Chris Brown & Royalty - 2nd Birthday Party - Chris Brown - Can't Say No (Royalty Music Video) - Follow Chris Brown: #chrisbrown Contact info Email.